Balls Dropped

February 22, 2024

Balls Dropped: Full Design

In the first issue of Volume 48, the Nass is more back than ever, reading, listening to country music, and getting away from it all.


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Overheard in Terrace

Gay man: Gay twins scare the shit out of me.

Overheard on a bus traversing Sicily

Former HUM student: I want to embrace the Russian tradition of suffering.

Overheard in East Asian Library

Promiscuous Freshman Bottom: Because when it's uncut the tip has a little tang to it.

Overheard near New South

Athlete, talking to a group of childless parents: That writing class…most important moment of your life, probably.

Overheard in Tower

Fed-up frosh: If all the men here are assholes, they might as well be 6-foot assholes.

Overheard on the street

Well-meaning white girl: “I’ve never felt more, like, not around white people. Not bad, just different.”

Overheard in Roma

Frosh: “Where do you report a bully in college?”

Overheard whilst stretching

Pretentious yoga enthusiast: I feel like if you have issues they're not of the mermaid variety.

Overheard outside Ivy

WASP-y Ivy Member: The WASPs are up to something…

Overheard in Tiger Tea Room

Cloister Bro: Do you ever try to figure out if a guy is sexist before you date him?
Cloister Bro's Female Friend: If they're still talking to me after seeing "feminist" in my Twitter bio that's a good sign.

Overheard in Whitman Courtyard

Disgruntled south campus resident: Every walk in Princeton is 3 minutes too long.

Overheard in Murray Dodge

Student, talking to a potential English major: “Try the starving artist thing for a while, and if it doesn’t work out, you can always be a consultant!”


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