Overheard loudly in Firestone.

170-pound man: "It's a little confusing, because cumming on someone is not really complimentary." 

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Overheard at lunch on Wednesday.

Socialist poet: I hate to say it, but mass democracy was a great mistake for America.

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Overheard on the way to dinner.

Starving Brit: I'm so hungry, I feel like I have abs.

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Overheard in a Slavic class.

Professor: Here is a little tip about 19th century literature. When you see … … What does that mean? It means they had sex!

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Overheard at Sakrid.

Barista: Is whole milk fine with that?

Wife: Yes, please. 

Husband: Skim.

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Overheard at Frist.

Google Calendar Warrior: I don’t have time for lunch today but you can walk with me from New South to East Pyne between 10:50 and 11:00 if you want to talk. 

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Overheard in lecture.

The student sitting in front of me: I can’t stop farting today.

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Overheard at Small World.

Leftist: If you look it up, Hitler had a micropenis. 

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Overheard at Grand Central Station.

Overworked therapist: I’m sorry your kid died but I need a break. 

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Overheard at the Oscar Showing.

My uncultured friend: Wait. Mick Jagger is a real person?

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Overheard on Nassau Street.

An angsty 15-year old boy: Every day I shake my fist at the world a little more.

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Overheard at Late Meal.

Complit Major: Having French 101 at 12:30 everyday has ruined my social life. 

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Overheard in SLA330.

Russian professor: If I were Napoleon, then I’d be somebody.

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Overheard in English Precept.

The argument-stretcher: The rectum is a grave.

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Overheard at Terrace.

A straight girl trying to make a GBF: He gives like Troye Sivan factory defect.

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Overheard on Nassau Street.

Some grandma: Armie Hammer would love that

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Overheard near WPRB studio.

DJ: I feel like I’ve become my parents' problem child.

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Overheard in Firestone

Your fellow student: I wanna suck a dick.

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Overheard in Small World

Someone who is so real for that: Last semester I hit this ground running. This semester I just hit the ground.

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Overheard at Ivy formals.

Sophomore: This salad is grossly underdressed.

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Overheard in Roma

First person: Why did you cut up all your food before eating it?

Second person: Mild autism.

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Overheard at My Grandparents’

Surprised by His Son's Tendency to Have Eggs for Breakfast: Oh, so Paul's an egg maven now?

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Overheard in McCosh Hall Basement.

SPIA student: I think my preceptor is a pervert based on absolutely no evidence or reason.

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Overheard in the new Frist Health Center.

Freshman: Should I start meditating or get a klonopin prescription?

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Overheard in London

Child at heart: I have to apply for something to prolong this youthfulness.

Realist: You mean a fellowship?

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