I think I heard someone say that Chancellor Green eats people. But it might have been something else.
– Brunelleschi
I. South Campus
From the distance, they could be tinfoil constructions;
too perfectly square to be occurring in space.
But look. Shift places and they follow the rules of perspective.
(Profane that we walk through ideal mathematics with hardly an acknowledgment.)
From the distance, they can be picturesque.
Sharpened photographs or an artist’s fantasia on structure.
Get too close and they become concrete. Right angles on blue plastic.
‘Built environment.’ Outsized ungreen trees.
II. View from McCosh 24
One of the panes is warped and gives a warped view
melting the leaves and the lines of the chapel.
That one was impossible: five times as tall
as any building in Albuquerque.
It was more like a battleship.
The rest of the window is squared off in just-frozen lead.
The leaves ripple, the stained-glass figure
is without colors, only color
pure saturation, lightless from this direction
promising with any sun to crystalize a vision.
But from here just another pane of glass.
III. McCarter Theater Center
By daylight, the brick chimney
looks very majestic against a clear sky.
Only one side ever catches the sun.
At night, any absence is supplied
by yellow floodlights, unfolding growing things
as they creep up its wall.
IV. Grad College Tower
So many parallel lines stretching
narrowing to four points.
From the distance it looks birdlike:
it tapers. Though as I’m running up, the lines are straight.
A broad base, a mortared front.
Last year I said that its face was an owl.
This was a day when I was sitting on a roof—
I’d never seen it in person. It was still an abstraction to me.
There was a sunset: blue and gold,
I sat with a friend listening to music from a cell phone speaker.
How could I know it was more than a silhouette
until I found it this morning?
V. Chancellor Green (by evening)
All these little fires
give me a sense of placelessness
odd because the walk here at night
is landmarked to tell me exactly where I am.
Strange things happen
in liminal spaces, the sky is violet,
and a snatch of speech,
not understood, could take me away.
That or sleep before the night is done.