Ryan Gosling is the greatest thing that ever happened to this world. This may seem like an exaggeration, but when you really think about it, I speak only the truth. I will confess, with some shame, that I first fell … Read More
By now many have seen the picture of Dr. Cornel West at Occupy Wall Street holding a sign that reads, “If only the war on poverty was a real war then we would actually be putting money into it.”
Now that fall has arrived, FOX news is wetting itself over the official kick-off of the 2012 campaign season and the sudden flood of the media with Republican debates. While there are many outstanding candidates, and while each has something … Read More
It was a quiet room. That was really the only description I could come up with. I toyed with the idea of the room being calm, maybe civil or peaceful. But mostly it was just quiet. No one did much; even the clapping was very polite.
If you were to do a Google search for “Asians Sleeping in the Library,” you would come across a blog that features, well, pictures of Asian students across the globe asleep in libraries, meant to pay homage to their hard … Read More
Friday, March 11, Japan’s Pacific shore was hit by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, which tilted the Earth’s axis and moved the entire island closer to North America. While most people may already be aware of these tragic events, many may not be aware of the fact that Japanese earthquake and its effects were also the comedy event of the year.
On Monday, November 29, the science community was all abuzz about a big announcement from NASA. That announcement? That they would announce something later that week.