Past the white stacks of concrete caravans called Spellman Hall, past its triangular bluffs and through its white canyon path, past Pablo Picasso’s cubist totem pole…
I met Rachel Razza of Ultra Dome, Jeffrey Roman of Sky Stadium, and Dan Svizeny of Cough Cool (and others), in the Terrace parking lot on a sunny afternoon.
The day after President Nixon’s announcement of an imminent US invasion of Cambodia, a group of Kent State University history graduate students—calling themselves World Historians Opposed to Racism and Exploitation (WHORE)—convened an anti-war rally on the Commons…
Several weeks ago President Shirley Tilghman, Dean of the College Nancy Weiss Malkiel, and memoirist Cornel West gave their final regards to former USG president, Pyne Prize winner and reality television show contestant Connor Diemand-Yauman in a private, unpublicized ceremony. … Read More