After George Ella Lyon’s “Where I’m From”
I’m from bookshelves
towering like the
lining the horizon
of my city-bound
a menagerie
of blinding lights
hordes of
unwanted tourists
flashing cameras
on sticky summer
piercing honks
a blur of pressed suits
concrete punctuated
by a smattering of green
Now, though,
I settle
on a street that whispers
palm trees
swaying to its quiet song
white roses
drinking in
the sun’s radiant milk
I’m from the smooth tip
of my lead pencil
I line the
of a dozen notebooks
I am found
beneath the scrawl
in the margins
But I am also found
beyond words
in silence
in the meditative rise
and fall
of my breath
in letting go
of internal chatter
in gently shutting
my eyes
into a darkness
of peace
I’m from
the hilly suburbs of Romania
and the once vibrant
cities of Poland
before the war
From my grandmother’s
steaming scarlet borscht
and my great-aunt’s
golden kreplach
stars and stripes
color the flag of my birth country
and I am found buried in the pages
of its history
connected to a past
my ancestors took
no part in
I come
from all of life’s most
beautiful contrasts