The other week, a dealer–who up until this point had seemed demure and cryptically cosmopolitan in this very European way–messaged me, “In years past, I had everything all the time.” Me and my friends laughed for a while. Then, things got quiet, and we spent the evening very sober.
The Nass “Drug Issue” split off from the smash-hit “Sex Issue,” released last fall. With that issue, we conducted an experiment posing the mostly simple question, “Do Princeton students–Nass contributors in particular–still have sex?” To our relief, the volume of high-quality, well-substantiated submissions validated our hypothesis. Herein, we pose a similar question: “Do we still use drugs?”
The “Sex Issue” afforded us the convenience of precedent. We could consult a number of prior Sex Issues from the archives lovingly tended by our historian (then Julia Stern ‘26, now Jonathan Dolce ‘27). The “Drug Issue” doesn’t share the same pedigree, and it’s easy to imagine that, in years past, the Nass had everything all the time. Judging from the really wonderful contents of this edition however, I’m willing to presume that we have an eager group of drug-users among our masthead and contributing team: everything from benadryl to bath salts.
These twenty pages constitute the most comprehensive, literarily significant account of drug culture at Princeton University. It’s also a lot of fun. You’ll enjoy it.
Love, love, love,
Charlie Nuermberger, EIC