High Rise

In the final issue of volume 47, the Nass pays a visit to President Clinton’s stomping grounds, cries with Joyce Carol Oates, and does or does not do drugs in the Bay Area.

Sex Issue (2023)

In its third ever sex issue, the Nass goes deep into reproductive rights, contemplates hard truths about men, and penetrates the taboo.

Director’s Cut

This week, the Nass talks about movies, bodies, and movies about dog bodies.

Brush With Death

This week, the Nass recycles beer cans, interrogates TikTok feminism, and decides what good art is.

Dead Beats

This week, the Nass learns from Patti Smith, mulls over pop stardom, and weighs the costs of “clean” energy.

Man Hunt

This week, the Nass tests your wits, criticizes Christopher Nolan’s flat New Mexico, and puts you onto some new shit.

Dogs Out

This week, the Nass invents a new major, sings the blues, and asks what the end of affirmative action means for Princeton students of color.

The Very Hungry Frosh

This week, the Nass’s back-to-school haul includes children’s books, Barbie dolls, and disgust.

Root Canal

This week, the Nass looks deep into the construction of cavities, finding a world where the dance is improvisational and the restrooms are mindful.

For Your Consideration

This week, the Nass spends its leave of absence filming movies in Greece, attending tone-deaf plays, and growing an extra hand.

Oh, the Humanities!

This week, the Nass gives into its worst impulses, partakes in regional delicacies, and watches carriages turn to pumpkins.

April Showers

This week, the Nass hassles its way into a Miami club, where the room smells like gasoline and the music sounds like Dante.