Amused frosh: There are a surprising amount of kleptos on this campus.
Innovative frosh: Do you think if I take a nap on top of my politics readings, I'll absorb the information through osmosis?
Soph girl: Like have you seen the bees in the Bee Movie? They're hot.
Worried student to strangers: Have you seen a taller, older white man in pajama pants?
TI Senior: I’m a lesbian, don’t try to tell me otherwise.
Wise sophomore: You can’t treat men like human beings or they’ll think you want to sleep with them.
Sophomore, evaluating validity of freshman's opinion: I’m not racist or homophobic, but I am ageist.
TI Junior 1: It’s like we’re on the Met steps.
TI Junior 2: Where’s my fat-free yogurt?
Oblivious freshman: You can't take abuse? Why not?
Pre-med frosh who hates science: What would my alter-ego be?
Friend: A doctor.
Nass editor: "list of conspiracy theories"
Confused freshman: So you know how I had my one on one for Writing Sem today. I walk in, and she says 'So your draft is one page. And it's blank.'
Lax Bro 1: What's a SHARE peer?
Lax Bro 2: No, Chad's not here.
HUM freshman: I can't, I have to go read the Bible.
Overly conscious freshman: That's not a guy name. Wait, names don't have gender. I messed up!
Famous black astrologist: I need to be somewhere in the cosmos, don't I? Why not Princeton library?
Open-minded independent: I didn't know avocado was so problematic…
Girl in love, weirdly enough: He was so sickly. He was so cute!!
Random senior: What was that song about West Virginia?
Nihilistic frosh: You know how we were talking about having kids? I just realized that we're the last generation.