Enjoyment of my days, plague of my nights.
2:25 AM, I am on a cloud
drifting int—small bump in the night
crinkle, crinkle
A flash of light; my mind is starting to wake
crinkle, crinkle
I’m sure most nights I would’ve been fast asleep by now
crinkle, crinkle
but tonight it’s the crinkle, that incessant crinkle
a plastic bag spelling the end of my sweet, sweet sleep
my mind, now wide awake, wanders back to a few nights ago
2:30 am, similar sleep, enter Zach
I can’t smell the weed, but I can feel its vibes
crossing the room from time to time in the form of little chuckles
sitcom plays, at least I think, as there is a studio laugh every few seconds
3:00 am, Zach is asleep now, but his music still keeps me awake
the bass drops, so do my hopes
I move to the common room, but find sleep even more elusive there
I re-enter, taking the phone from Zach’s hands and pressing the volume keys
“Sean?” you say in your sleep, likely with the fear that I am trying to kill you
My countless night terrors at the front of your mind
I laugh and crawl back into bed,
Not tonight, sweet prince
4 am, peace at last
alas, this is not what happens tonight
I am roused from my reverie by another
crinkle, crinkle
however, this one’s different
soon after
crunch, crunch
the crunches slow and quiet
Oh, how careful and considerate Zach thinks he is being, but it is too late for that now
the crinkles of the bag were too much
my mind hangs on to every faint crunch
3:00 am, Zach sleeps now
my mind is, for once, staying up of its own accord, writing this
which I did not plan in poem form
but which I now find fitting stylistically
inspiration coming from my desperation
3:15 am, another hour of sleep lost
no more crinkles, no more crunch
sleep zooming towards me
like an oh so welcome punch