Nicki Minaj, where are the bees?
The bees are not in the trap—
They are trapped
In air that refuses to be their home.
Frack, frack, frack.
Buzzes for help, little bee shrieks,
Families fall from the sky,
Queen B gives the side-eye.
Jay-Z riding with the top down,
The Queen wears a mournful frown.
Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Greenhouse gases,
Grandma bee passes.
Pesticide is genocide.
Plump tomatoes murder families.
Your fruit salad kills a hive, not my vibe.
Buzz, buzz, bye.

Sadomasochistic society, bee-dsm,
Honey extraction for your satisfaction,
I don’t want to see your LinkedIn.
All around me there are no trees.
It’s not your girl on the phone, it’s the bees, honey.
Make your money, capitalism kills the bees.
Wall Street mixed yellow and black, black and yellow—
Corroded the purity of the bee.

Where are you Nicki?
Why address the anaconda when there are no bees?
We are all guilty—repent or
Lose the power of pollination.
Goodbye begonias, goodbye sustainable food chain,
goodbye joy.
We are all manifestations of the bee—
To bee or not to be.

When I close my eyes, I see not dead people but dead bees.
Can’t you see? We’re out of time.
Save the bees or die.

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