Beach Week

April 29, 2017


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Overheard in Firestone

Nass editor, Hamlet fan, pencil aficionado: 2B or not 2B...

Overheard at the Met Opera

Desperate Austrian military general, using his best pick-up line: I can be virile in any alcove.

Overheard in Cafe Viv

White COS major demonstrating with Google Earth: I’m trying to find a city. *zooms in on Africa* Oh no, let’s go to a more civilized location… *scrolls away*

Overheard at Terrace

Terrace alum/community auditor, class of '61: The first thing I learned when I got to Princeton was that not all the goyim are dumb!

Overheard via iMessage

DC wasp: I’m the hottest youngest person at the Chevy Chase Whole Foods.

Overheard in McCosh 50

Cecily Strong: I'm actually not as badass as I looked on CSPAN.

Overheard in NYC

Mudboy: I was like I'm sorry I can't go home with you. I have to finish the Prospect 11.

Overheard in Bank Street

Senior Cap dude: I love those moments when you get distracted by your anger at the center left.

Overheard at Starbucks

First-year girl: Is it weird that I am aroused by my own handwriting?

Overheard at Terrace

Male, on professor: I hate him. He makes so many sexist comments. But I guess they don't directly affect me so it's fine.

Overheard at the Fields Center

Chill and diverse girl: I need to change my profile picture, Obama's been in it for too long.

Overheard in the East Asian Library

Pi Phi: Here are some things I care about but have done nothing about: gun control.

Overheard at Cap

Chill and diverse girl: I need to change my profile picture, Obama's been in it for too long.

Overheard in Pyne

Girl, to Nass editor: Watch this part, it reminds me of you.
Comedic genius Ali Wong: I've accidentally slept with two homeless people.

Overheard via iMessage

Alum 1: Did he go to Harvard?
Alum 2, joking but not joking: No, he went to Columbia! He's a man of the people!

Overheard in Patton

Aesthete: Is that Jesus or Joseph?
Art History senior: Joseph - Jesus wasn't a shepherd.
Aesthete: What about, "the Lord is my shepherd?"
Art history senior: That's a metaphorical shepherd.

Overheard in Whitman

Socially conscious bro: No...come on. If I do consulting it'll be non-profit consulting.

Overheard in Ivy

Junior, pondering the future: But then you have to think… is one nanny enough for three kids?