“Eisgruber’s case, while morally objectionable, is at least understandable in light of his position as University president. As one who answers to several conflicted parties, he must at times make concessions that, while consistently appealing to the least satisfying intersection of opposing parties, keep at least some subset of people happy. The Prince, unlike Eisgruber, is (supposedly) not a spokesperson for the University.”
Memories may fade as distance grows wider between ourselves and our young selves, but one thing remains constant: if we dig down deep into the recesses of our experiences, hold light up to the seeds of our current moment, brush off the dust, we might find something worth writing about.
“Why does it happen that our time in Warsaw culminates in this very room, face to face with a novel that seems, much like the Palace of Culture and like the current incarnation of the city of Warsaw, to plant itself resolutely on top of a history that has no monuments, no voice to speak for itself?”
Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue—
In the picture I have of you, Melts in the wall.???
The idiot
A cleft in your chin instead of your foot,
your root,
I never could tell where you—
Put your foot—
For the hearing of my heart—
It really goes.