Dear Readers,


We are very excited to release the seventh issue of the semester, which is dedicated to showcasing the work of creators of color here at Princeton. The Nass strives to be a publication that actively welcomes contributors of all backgrounds, and this edition is an important step for our news-magazine to provide an intentional platform for voices that are so often marginalized and underrepresented. This edition follows both our third annual edition for Women*s History Month and our summer edition highlighting APIDA voices, and it will not be the last of its kind. 


I am proud to share with you this collective creation, entirely designed and written by people of color. Our intention was for this edition to highlight any work by those who identify as people of color, regardless of any relation to their identity. As a result, the contributors for this issue explored a range of topics, from exploring home towns through art to poetic diary entries to reflections of one’s relationship with music. 


This edition is a celebration of diversity, one of the first of what I hope will be many additions to a history of art and journalism by, for, and about people of color. We hope that this edition will serve to continue conversations about diversity and inclusion in not only literary spaces, but also our larger campus community. I hope that you will take a moment to celebrate with us, and to enjoy Infinite Prospects.


In Solidarity,


Mina Quesen ‘23

Managing Editor

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