“Don’t go over there,” my friend advised. “It gets weird and religious.”
by Susannah Sharpless on September 28, 2011March 22, 2013
Maybe I’m homesick or maybe I’ve just sold out, but I’ve stopped distinguishing between the states that make up the great green Midwest I call home.
by Susannah Sharpless on October 19, 2011March 22, 2013
Good or bad, long or short, about wizards or vampires, successful young adult novels make their fans go crazy. Really, really nuts.
by Susannah Sharpless on November 9, 2011March 22, 2013
The magic of Zooey Deschanel.
by Susannah Sharpless on February 29, 2012March 22, 2013
The case for tweets as poetry.
by Susannah Sharpless on April 18, 2012March 22, 2013
A pantoum just for you.
by Susannah Sharpless on April 25, 2012March 22, 2013
I met a poet today, and so,
by Susannah Sharpless on September 26, 2012March 22, 2013
Hannah, Anne Marie, and me.
by Susannah Sharpless on October 3, 2012March 22, 2013
To halve and to hold.
by Eliza Mott, Elizabeth Lian, Evaline Tsai, Isabel Henderson, Kansas Jacobs, Rafael Abrahams, Susannah Sharpless, Veronica Nicholson, Will Pinke on November 14, 2012September 17, 2013
Bruce Springsteen & Bon Iver live and alive.
by Susannah Sharpless on November 21, 2012March 22, 2013
As I stood outside the door to Frist 212 on the first day of my freshman year, waiting for my Arabic 101 class to start, a bright-eyed boy in a polo shirt bounced up to the door. I smiled at … Read More
by Susannah Sharpless on March 1, 2013March 22, 2013
Andrew Sondern edits Susannah Sharpless’s Common App essay.
by Andrew Sondern, Susannah Sharpless on March 1, 2013March 22, 2013
Bot check: What is the name of the farthest residential college from central campus?