The Prince wants to know what happened at pickups. This year set a precedent for all manner of illegal and debauched activities and at the forefront of this tidal wave of sexual assault, underage drinking and bodily fluids, stood the … Read More
In his Baltimore basement, Edan has carved his name across the forty-year span of rock and hip-hop. “Rock and Roll” melds Velvet Underground and Black Sabbath into feedback-frayed banger that would play comfortably in Queens circa ’88, or the Filmore East circa ’68. This kind of mad-scientist approach embodies the best of rock and roll.
With angular features and shoulders broad enough to match his considerable height, Gabriel Heiber, 19, embodies the youthful energy of his idyllic surroundings at Bucknell University. He speaks quickly with darting gestures, unconsciously borrowed from his time spent in the … Read More
Most articles on music this summer did not trumpet ambitious musical endeavors but rather the continued floundering of tour and album sales. Like the movie industry, this season was set apart by sequels and unexpected sophomore successes.
To some degree, these albums are all contemporary, not only in the sense that they have been released within the last ten years, but also because of their connectivity to and influence on the musical world today. I claim no expertise here, only the knowledge that these ten albums offer ten different avenues (not the only ones, by any means) to listen to music in a new and more satisfying way.
I like Chick Literature. Rather, let me qualify, I like Jane Austen as read under the auspices of Chick Lit. This doesn’t mean I like Colin Firth or Hugh Grant-in fact I distinctly dislike both. I haven’t seen Hugh’s performance … Read More