While walking behind Nassau Hall, I saw a single piece of paper fall from a second-floor window above me. It started towards the ground slowly, and I watched as torrents of air swept the paper left and right and up … Read More
I looked for library jobs and I looked for babysitting jobs but I found neither. Instead I landed a spot as a Recreation Supervisor for Princeton Intramural Sports (IMs).
I rolled out of bed and into the shower to erase the stench of State Night that still lived on my skin and in my hair and in my blue jeans, which I had forgotten to take off before lying … Read More
For the last few weeks, black and white posters for a fashion show called “Fashion Speaks” have found my hallway. I tried to walk by it quickly, trying to hide the quick flit of my eye towards the peppery posters.
It could be a small fold in his shirt, making an indentation that the light can’t reach which could make that one small spot in the lower third of his back stand out just a little purpler than the rest … Read More