Humbert Humbert is far from a straightforward man, but he did have the decency to commit a straightforward crime. Lolita was a tender young twelve, her suitor perhaps three times that; whatever physical, metaphysical, sexual, magic or aesthetic power she may have wielded over H.H., she was a child and he was a man of immoral actions.
Yeah, I was abroad in London last semester, though I traveled quite a bit, left town most weekends—got around. Amazing. Best semester of my life. And I figured I’d tell a bunch of my stories at once so I don’t … Read More
Sex should not be corporately sponsored or contractually bound. Sex should be neither widely distributed nor publicly viewed. Sex should not be scrutinized, spread out for display. Sex is antithetical to chartered obligations and university affiliations. It is not a … Read More
A-Fiber Mannequins wasn’t very well marked. I guess it didn’t need to be; people don’t often go walking down the street looking for a mannequin warehouse. Especially not in that part of Brooklyn, which seemed to support a convenience store, a sub shop, two barbers and not much else.
Ah, the Hook-up: the quintessential college social experience. More
which survives the weekend to circulate ’til the next Thursday. Delightfully suggestive of scandal, the very term “hook-up” is perfectly suited to describing to one’s friends a wide array of encounters: specific enough to provide gossip fodder, vague enough to spare the listener unnecessary detail.